These observations were jotted down in an e-mail (edited here a bit) for Jennifer Garrett, to offer help with her dissertation project on Mauldin's chamber music involving piano.
Read more: Programmatic MusicNotes About My Notes
These observations were jotted down in an e-mail (edited here a bit) for Jennifer Garrett, to offer help with her dissertation project on Mauldin's chamber music involving piano.
Read more: Notes About My NotesWhere is Music Composition Going?
An article published in the American Music Teacher, official journal of the Music Teachers National Association, Volume 42, Number 1, August/September, 1992. In addition to the article, there were photos and bios of each of the MTNA "Composers of the Year" in the 1980's, and a chart listing the year they won, the names and instrumentation of their winning composition, publishing/recording info, and their present position.
Read more: Where is Music Composition Going?Composition for All Music Students
An article published in the American Music Teacher, Official Journal of the Music Teachers National Association, Volume 37, Number 6, June/July 1988.
Read more: Composition for All Music StudentsOrigin of Art and Esthetic Perception
The topic for the 1982 Taos Aesthetics Institute was the "Origin of Art and Esthetic Perception". The composer-in-residence that year, Mauldin responded by quoting and commenting on Leonard Meyer.
Read more: Origin of Art and Esthetic PerceptionMichael Mauldin's Farewell Remarks
Mauldin's farewell remarks upon his retirement and his being named Director Emeritus of the Albuquerque Boy Choir, May, 2002
Read more: Michael Mauldin's Farewell RemarksExcerpts from "Love Without a Name"
Mauldin made available these excerpts from his essay, "Love Without a Name" to the parents and audience at the final Albuquerque Boy Choir concert under his leadership as Musical Director in 1999. He directed the intermediate choir for three more years to help with the transtition.
Read more: Excerpts from "Love Without a Name"Why a Boy Choir?
A Letter to Albuquerque Boy Choir Parents, August, 1998
Read more: Why a Boy Choir?Pedagogy
This excerpt is from a workshop entitled "The Intelligent Children's Choir" presented by Michael Mauldin and the Albuquerque Boy Choir in March, 1998 at the national convention of the Music Teachers National Association in Los Angeles.
Read more: PedagogyThe Spirit That Needs Me
Mauldin was at "Annacarla," his composing and teaching retreat in northern New Mexico on the winter solstice, 2010, when seeing the eclipse of the full moon stimulated him to write this essay to refocus his thoughts about love, sacredness, spirit, beauty and art.
Read more: The Spirit That Needs MeHedonism and Spirituality: A Sacred Symbiosis
Mauldin wrote this essay for himself as a way to clarify the issues discussed.
Read more: Hedonism and Spirituality: A Sacred SymbiosisBeyond the Four Hills
Mauldin was invited to contribute this autobiographical essay to "The Spirit That Wants Me: A New Mexico Anthology," 1991, edited by J Dianne Duff, Jill Kiefer and Michelle Miller, and published by Duff, Inc. An invitation was sent to creative artists who were non-New Mexico natives and who were willing to share how taking up residence in New Mexico had influenced their creative output.
Read more: Beyond the Four Hills